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The Munay Ki Rites

The Munay Ki Rites

The Munay Ki rites, often referred to as the “rites of the shaman’s path,” consist of ten initiations derived from various traditions, not solely from the Q’ero. These rites serve as blessings that assist individuals in liberating themselves from past mis-creations, healing ancestral and genetic lineages, and resolving karmic ties that hinder their higher selves.

The Nine Rites Munay-Ki

These rites are delivered as energetic transmissions common across many shamanic traditions, albeit presented in diverse forms and styles. They provide a structured approach to healing personal and ancestral wounds, clearing genetic and karmic inheritances carried into this life.

By participating in these rites, individuals can become “Earthkeepers,” embodying divine power and wisdom while accepting stewardship for all creation. They represent an invitation to evolve into who we are destined to be 10,000 years from now.

Many people feel a calling from Spirit, yearning to make a difference in their lives and the world. When you embark on the path of Earthkeepers with genuine intention and an open heart, you will discover a community of like-minded individuals committed to ethical living and vision. You will also connect with Earthkeepers from ancient times—luminous beings now part of the great matrix of life—who will enhance your power and vision.

As you engage with the Munay Ki rites, you will sense the presence and wisdom of these luminous beings who have transcended linear time, existing in sacred time and infinity, free from karma and rebirth. The Munay Ki will cleanse your luminous energy field of psychic residue left by past traumas. As your vibration elevates, these luminous beings will guide you, enabling you to access memories that may not be your own but are now part of your experience—such as meditating in ancient stone temples or gathering around fires with buffalo.

Since Earthkeepers also originate from the future, they help us connect with our potential as human beings 10,000 years ahead. They tap into a vast reservoir of knowledge that exists outside of time, offering visions of possible futures where harmony prevails.

Munay Ki

This is why Earthkeepers from various cultures—such as the Hopi, Maya, and Inka—gather regularly to pray for peace on Earth. They explore potential futures for our planet, seeking pathways where rivers run clear and people coexist harmoniously with nature. By envisioning this desirable future, they infuse it with energy, making it more likely to manifest.

Connecting with these Earthkeepers allows their wisdom to become part of us. We gain insights through intuition and partner with them to access knowledge that can enhance our DNA quality. Contrary to scientific beliefs that genes only reflect ancestral gifts or ailments, these beings demonstrate that when liberated from time’s constraints, the future can influence us positively.

As you receive the Munay Ki rites, your chakras will be cleared, allowing you to attain the “Rainbow Body,” where your chakras shine with their original brilliance. Each chakra emits vibrant colors akin to a rainbow when they glow brightly. Since 2014, at least 15 chakras have been anchored into the body, moving down through the feet. When trauma dulls these energy centers, our luminous energy field (LEF) takes on a greyish hue.

Once you achieve a rainbow body, luminous Earthkeepers recognize your shared vision and calling. If you have developed the ability to perceive the unseen world, you may discern their former physical forms and access their thoughts and feelings. As you progress through the 7th to 10th initiations, you can download an upgraded version of the software that informs your LEF, which then instructs your DNA on how to create a new body capable of aging, healing, and dying differently.

You do not need to actively seek out these luminous Earthkeepers; they will come when invited and when you are prepared to receive them. When the student is ready, the Master appears. They offer support without disturbance while helping you bring more light and healing into the world and shielding you from negativity.

The Rites of the Shaman’s Path

The Munay Ki rites are sometimes referred to as the rites of the shaman’s path. Ancient prophecies speak of a new type of human emerging—one who lives free from fear and embodies transcendent nature. The Munay Ki facilitate this transformation by imparting codes for becoming luminous beings who transcend lower vibrations and usher in a New Day as foretold by ancient cultures.

The most recent rites include the Creator Rite and Soul Star Rite; the former was first given in 2006 in the Andes’ holy mountains, while the latter was transmitted in Galway, Ireland in 2009 after initiate Natalie Arkins channeled Quetzalcoatl during her time in Peru.

These rites represent a step forward in human evolution, realigning our neural pathways and shifting consciousness. They empower us to take responsibility for Earth and all creation. After receiving all rites (following 16 weeks of meditations on Harmony rites), participants are encouraged to pass them on to others. According to prophecy, this will lead to witnessing a new form of humanity and the dawn of a new civilization—we are indeed those we have been waiting for.

The Initiation Rites

The ten rites mark our transition from human existence to angelic embodiment. This process fosters new structures within our luminous energy field at critical junctures necessary for becoming Homo Luminous. During these rites, luminous beings transfer energy from giver to receiver through physical contact.

Munay Ki

Through the Munay Ki rites:

  • The chakras (energy centers) are cleared.
  • Protection against harmful earthly energies is provided.
  • A deeper connection is established with luminous beings.
  • A stronger link is formed with archetypes associated with shamanic traditions.
  • Wisdom and divine power are unlocked.
  • Genetic and karmic patterns that hinder our higher selves are released and healed.
  • Each rite anchors critical junctures in our evolution into Homo Luminous as we transition from human form into angelic form.

After initiating Harmony Rite meditation for 16 weeks with archetypes linked to each chakra, participants can transmit these rites onward. The archetypes—beings or animals associated with shamanic directions—often reveal themselves when participants are ready rather than through conscious choice; typically requiring at least two weeks per archetype for meditation.

The Ten Rites Categorized

  1. Foundation Rites
  • Healers Rite
  • Bands of Power (recommended: Hatun Karpay belts)
  • Harmony Rite
  • Seer’s Rite
  1. Lineage Rites
  • Day Keepers Rite
  • Wisdom Keepers Rite
  • Earth Keepers Rite
  1. Rites to Come
  • Star Keepers Rite
  • Creator Rite
  • Soul Star Rite

Additionally, I will also transfer a 13th rite known as The Womb Rite.


For all rites given, both your wiracocha (metaphysical God) and that of the recipient must be opened beforehand. The eighth chakra connects one to God; Wiracocha was revered by Incas as the Creator deity encompassing all things—universe, sun, storms, stars—and associated closely with water.

The wiracocha resides above one’s head at what is known as the golden sun chakra (the point reached when arms extend straight up). Opening this space creates a sacred environment often referred to as the soul star chakra.

Local myths in Peru’s Sacred Valley depict Wiracochan or Tunupa as messengers of Wiracocha—the Creator of civilization—represented in Ollantaytambo.

This rewritten text maintains key concepts while enhancing clarity and flow throughout its presentation on Munay Ki rites.


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